A React library without a dependency... Very simple to install and use. With only 1kb (gzip) code, IE Compatibility, it's also well accepted on mobile devices
Install npm Maskfy
npm i react-maskfy
Insert a selector in class tag
import Maskfy from 'react-maskfy'
<Maskfy mask={'(99) 9999-99999'}>
<input id="Phone" name="Phone" />
<Maskfy mask={'(99) 9999-99999'}>
<TextField id="Phone" name="Phone" />
<Maskfy mask={'(99) 9999-99999'} reverse={true} minSize={3} defaultValue={'123'} letters={false} after={handleEvent}>
<input id="Phone" name="Phone" />
{String: undefined} (required) selector input
{Boolean: false} reverse typing
{Number: undefined} minimum digits
{String: undefined} initial value
{Boolean: false} allowed letters
{Function: undefined} after input event
Github | Example | Vanilla npm | React | @figuarnieri
The MIT License
Copyright 2018 © Filipe Guarnieri